To provide quality training at both the in-service and recruit levels through comprehensive and innovative educational practices.
5033 English Creek Avenue
Egg Harbor Township
New Jersey
United States
+1 (609) 407-6727
+1 (609) 407-6717

Department of Public Safety

Police Training Center

 IA Investigation :Officer Involved Shootings

This is an all-new seminar and designed specifically for internal affairs officers who are engaged in the investigation of shootings where officers have participated. It will discuss the uniqueness of the occurrence, importance of conducting a complete and thorough investigation of the incident and ways to deal with the aftermath of the event as it relates to the agency and the public. Topics to be discussed include: (1) understanding the role of the lead investigator in such cases; (2) overseeing and coordinating tasks with supplemental units; identifying and acquiring items of evidentiary value; (4) identifying and understanding "perceptual distortion phenomena" often experienced by involved officers or witnesses; (5) interviewing the involved officer; (6) managing the multi-shooter incident; (7) testifying in criminal/civil/grand jury matters relating to the incident; and (8) identify/addressing "post discharge" reactions for involved officers. INSTRUCTOR: Lt. Steve Nolan, Internal Affairs Division Shooting Team, Philadelphia Police Department, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Register at $295

Course is not currently scheduled.

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