To provide quality training at both the in-service and recruit levels through comprehensive and innovative educational practices.
5033 English Creek Avenue
Egg Harbor Township
New Jersey
United States
+1 (609) 407-6727
+1 (609) 407-6717

Department of Public Safety

Police Training Center

 Immigration Enforcement and Identity Documents

This course provides a basic overview of immigration enforcement for the law enforcement community. it covers the various groups of immigrants commonly encountered by the patrol officer and detective during the normal course of their duties as well as the tools available to properly identify a foreign national and notify ICE pursuant to any arrest involving them. It also provides instruction on how to comply with the New Jersey Attorney General's Directive 2007-3 regarding the arrest of a suspected illegal aliens. In addition, the course provides an in-depth, hands-on instruction regarding the identification of authentic and fraudulent immigration identity documents.

This course is taught by an ICE Certified Forensic Document Instructor who currently serves as a Supervisory Officer with US Immigration & Customs Enforcement in New Jersey.

Enrollment is limited to 40

Course is not currently scheduled.

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