Within the Divsion of Intergenerational Services the Mental Health Administrator serves as the liaison between county government and other county, regional, state and federal mental health planning and policy groups.
101 South Shore Road, Shoreview Building
New Jersey
United States
  • +1(609) 645-7700, extension 4307 work
  • Department of Human Services

    Division of Intergenerational Services

    Mental Health Administration

    Children’s Inter-Agency Coordinating Council (CIACC)

    The Atlantic County Children’s Inter-Agency Coordinating Council/CIACC: A collaboration of local agencies involved in the Children’s System of Care and Community Services

    About the Council

    The Atlantic County Children’s Inter-Agency Coordinating Council (CIACC), in collaboration with the Department of Children and Families (DCF), strives to ensure a seamless array of services. The CIACC serves as the county mechanism to advise the DCF on the development and maintenance of a responsive, accessible, and integrated system of care for children, youth, and young adults with emotional and behavioral challenges, developmental disabilities and substance use service needs.

    CIACC participants include community members, including parents, neighbors, youth, leaders, and representatives of local organizations concerned with the well-being of children and families Through enhanced coordination of system and community partners, the CIACC also identifies service and resource gaps and priorities for resource development.

    Youth and Family Engagement

    The CIACC is seeking to build stronger connections with youth and families who have engaged in community services so agencies can be more responsive and flexible.  If you are a youth or parent with lived experience utilizing the Children’s System of Care, consider becoming involved in CIACC. Contact the CIACC Coordinator to learn about becoming involved in a workgroup or subcommittee such as: Planning, Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities, Needs Assessments, Education and Youth Services, Youth and Family Engagement.

    Contact the Coordinator

    The Atlantic County Children's Inter-Agency Coordinating Council (CIACC) is staffed by Kathryn Saxton-Granato, CIACC Coordinator. Call 609-645-7700 ext. 4507 or e-mail granato_kathryn@aclink.org to learn more about how you might participate, to confirm a meeting date and time or regarding:

    • accessing mental health services for children, youth or young adults
    • questions or concerns about the mental health system or services.
    • information and referral to community based services/resources
    • support services for youth and families
    • advocacy organizations
    • information about CIACC’s free speakers bureau - View Brochure

    NJ Children ’s System of Care

    Kids, teens and young adults are coping with a lot, from uncertainty associated with the COVID-19 pandemic to the social impact of civil unrest and protests. On top of the general challenges that come with growing up, many young people are feeling heightened senses of anxiety, depression and loneliness. For some, this can lead to extreme behavioral changes – like acting out, substance use or running away from home.

    The Department of Children and Families Children's System of Care (CSOC) provides children & adolescents with coordinated access to mental health supports, substance use treatment & services for intellectual or developmental disabilities.

    PerformCare is the state’s System Administrator and the initial agency to call when seeking help.
    The statewide number operates 24 hours a day, seven days per week.
    Operators offer multi-lingual assistance.

    Flyers and information sheets from PerformCare are also available in a variety of languages https://www.performcarenj.org/about/guides-and-brochures.aspx

    Posters and flyers to share with schools, community groups, clubs and faith-based groups are available for reproducing from https://www.nj.gov/dcf/news/publications/csoc.html

    Key Participants in the NJ Children’s System of Care

    Cape Atlantic Integrated Network for Kids, the Care Management Organization(CMO)  is a key participant in CSOC. They offer an array of services with local providers and they accept referrals directly from PerformCare. Their website also maintains an on-line resource directory.  Local health providers and community organizations are encouraged to list their community and health resources, hotlines, support groups, and events. Cape Atlantic I.N.K. can be reached at (609) 829-2038.

    Atlantic Cape Family Support Organization, Inc. (ACFSO) is another key partner for youth and their families. Staff are parents or caregivers whose children have experienced similar challenges as the families they serve. ACFSO offers a variety of supports, education, advocacy and can be reached at (609) 485-0575.

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