The Atlantic County Environmental Health Unit is responsible for investigating and monitoring environmental health concerns in all Atlantic County municipalities except for Atlantic City.
201 South Shore Road, Stillwater Building
New Jersey
United States
+1 (609) 645-5971 +1 (609) 645-5923

Department of Human Services

Division of Public Health

Environmental Health

Noise Control Program

Pursuant to the County Environmental Health Act (CEHA), the Unit investigates noise complaints received by citizens. Under the Noise Control Act of 1971 and accompanying regulations, noise levels are measured by certified staff at the property line of the complainant. The state code addresses noise (decibel) levels between residential and commercial or industrial sources based on the time of day. The code does not address noise levels between two residential properties. The code also exempts various sources such as agriculture activities, church bells, emergency sirens, aircraft, public roadways and railroads. A number of municipalities in Atlantic County have adopted ordinances that address some of these local issues. Please contact your local municipality to see if they have a local noise ordinance. Legal References: N.J.S.A. 13:1G-1 et seq. - Noise Control Act N.J.A.C. 7:29-1 et seq.

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